
EuroExpert, is a not for profit organization, which shall not pursue any party political ob­jectives. Its objectives are:

1. The development, promotion and convergence of and education in common ethical and professional standards for experts within the European Union, based upon the principles of high qualification; personal integrity; independence; impartiality; objec­tivity and respect for confidentiality.

2. The provision of a point of contact between experts and the European Commission; the European Parliament; the European Court and other institutions of the Euro­pean Union as well as any other institution which deals at European or international levels with tasks and issues concerning the type of work which experts do.

3. Cooperation and relations with judicial and legal authorities, government depart­ments, official and private bodies and other appropriate tribunals and organisations for the purposes of accreditation and certification of experts and other matters rele­vant to the work which experts do.

4. The provision of a forum for experts worldwide.