Findex II – Demo IT Tool

Findex II Demo IT Tool is a prototype tool developed during the project to facilitate the search of judicial experts in the European Union. The tool gives the user the opportunity to search for the fields of expertise they might need in judicial proceedings. The Demo IT Tool contains mock data for 6 pilot Member States (BE, FR, IT, LU, PL, RO). For each country, 50 experts were created. Experts were populated with mock data. Furthermore, experts are linked to National Nomenclature fields of expertise, which correspond to a particular Findex Nomenclature ID. For the purposes as prototype, the Demo IT Tool was adjusted to the E-Justice portal layout.
Demo IT Tool functionalities
Accessing the tool
The Demo IT tool is hosted on the development server: No caching is performed on the tool and there is no user login operation. The data is accessible to everyone through the Internet.
Country Selection
After accessing the site, the user has the option to select the country where to search for experts.

By selecting the dropdown field, the user sees the available options, in our case the 6 pilot Member States.

After selecting the desired country, the user can click a link which gives information about experts in the chosen country and a “Next” button, which directs to the expert search engine.

After selecting the desired filters, the user can click on the “Filter Results” button to refine the results or can click on the refresh button ⟳ to reset the filters to the initial status.
Each expert is linked with a list of fields of expertise in their National Nomenclature. When the user selects a particular field from the National Nomenclature, the respective Findex Nomenclature is filled in.

Further information about the Expert
After selecting an expert name, the user gets further information about the expert.