EuroExpert Standard for Mediation Training

One of EuroExpert’s objectives is the development, promotion and convergence of and education in common ethical and professional standards for experts within the European Union, based upon the principles of high qualification; integrity; independence; impartiality; objectivity and respect for confidentiality.

EuroExpert has, therefore, developed a standard for Mediation training in order to promote experts as highly qualified mediators in the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

The Requirements

A) Courses complying with the EuroExpert standard for mediation training shall enable participants to meet technical and personal requirements as a mediator

  1. Technical requirements include:
    • General understanding of the methods of Dispute Resolution
    • Knowledge of Mediation principles and philosophy
    • Understanding the mediation process and the mediator’s techniques
  1. Personal Requirements include in addition to interpersonal skills, the ability
    • to listen
    • to communicate
    • to inspire confidence and trust

B) The standard specifies minimum requirements which ensure that organizations offering training schemes for mediators operate in a consistent, comparable and reliable manner. To provide this assurance,

  1. The training organization shall ensure that it
    • uses qualified and experienced trainers/tutors to run the courses
    • it complies with any standards in force
    • only uses Courses that comply with appropriate EU- and national Standards
  1. The training organisation shall adopt course requirements which include
    • A Minimum Training and assessment of 40 hours
    • 8 practical Role plays
    • Practical assessment of 3 hours
    • That Assessors should not normally have taught participants to be assessed

First adopted 2005, last reviewed and reaffirmed 2020